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exercise therapy

Benefits of Exercise Therapy:
  Active Rehabilitation
  Tailored to your individual needs
  Research-based evidence of effectiveness

Therapeutic Exercises

Exercise Therapy is a proven form of treatment to aid in the recovery of both common and more complex injuries and conditions. We completely understand that part of the recovery process requires strengthening the weakened muscles of your injured or painful areas. This provides better support to the joints and prevents pain from recurring.

As part of your Physiotherapy Treatment, your Physiotherapist will prescribe and guide you through some exercises and stretches that you can complete at home in between treatment sessions to manage your pain when it strikes.


Exercise Therapy can help:
  Low-back pain or Knee Pain or Neck pain
  Joint & Muscle Pain
  Active Ageing

“Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

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