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What is PhysioYoga?

PhysioYoga Therapy is an approach to rehabilitation that combines evidence-informed Physiotherapy and ancient yoga philosophies (Yoga therapy or Medical Therapeutic Yoga), resulting in a holistic or biopsychosocial approach to your rehabilitation experience. The focus is placed more on self-empowerment and self-healing.

Licensed health care professionals who are trained to apply yoga methods and philosophy to an individual with specific health concerns or dysfunction, can offer a safe and effective approach to healing, using a biopsychosocial-spiritual framework that promotes patient self-efficacy, empowerment, and self-healing.

What are the PhysioYoga benefits?

Some of the benefits it can offer are:

  Improve muscular strength, endurance

  Flexibility, postural body & breath awareness, circulation, digestion, hormonal balance

  Normalization of blood pressure and reduction or normalization of body weight

  It can improve your alertness, concentration, sleep patterns

  Reduce stress and anxiety and improve your ability to relax.

 Improve Your Functional Abilities

This is just a small list of many more benefits that physio-yoga, physioyoga, medical therapeutic yoga or professional yoga therapy can offer. The key benefit is an overall state of health and wellbeing.


Why Physio yoga?

Physiotherapists are having adequate knowledge of the human body and extensive training, so it is safe and ensures safety to do practice with them. Physioyoga therapist will always do pre-assessment and design a tailor-made treatment plan with the holistic approach which includes exercise's, asanas, pranayamas and self-help techniques. Every person is unique so not all asanas are safe so physio yoga therapist will modify the yogic practices of their individual capacity without changing the concept and techniques.


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