Physiotherapy | Women’s Health | Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation | Lactation Support

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“Welcome To our Holistic Wellness Centre PERFECT For People Who Don’t Like Relying On Painkillers And Who Prefer Natural, Specialist Solutions To End Pain And Stiffness, So They Can Keep Active And Enjoy Their Health For Many Years To Come.”

At Beyond Wellness we want to earn the privilege of not just treating our patients but to connect with them at all levels. Our Physiotherapist's strive to educate and empower our patients especially Women to live their best life; by embracing our dual identity as a physiotherapy service provider and a therapeutic yoga expert.

Our special focus is on Women’s Health physiotherapy which includes Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, Urinary/ Fecal Incontinence, Pre-natal and Post-natal care, Osteoporosis management, Breast Cancer care, Core Restore exercises etc.

We are here to make pelvic floor physiotherapy a recognizable, readily available, and overall positive experience for those who need it. Our Physiotherapist here are well trained to do it.

We offer Physio-Yoga Therapy which is an innovative approach to physical rehabilitation which combines Physiotherapy and Medical Therapeutic Yoga (MTY). What results is a healing experience that blends the latest in medical science and the time-tested traditions of Yoga. The services are for all in both one on one session and in a group class format along with health and wellness educational seminars and workshops.

Physiotherapy is a well-respected health care profession that uses evidence-based treatment methods to help clients restore and maintain optimal movement and function, as well as provide education on health maintenance and injury prevention.

Yoga is a vast discipline and a science in itself which aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit through the practice of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, shat-karma and meditation to achieve a reach a stage of enlightenment or self-realization (union of individual consciousness with supreme consciousness).

Medical Therapeutic Yoga (MTY) involves treating the entire person that helps patients restore to their physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual recovery. It provides a safe and effective approach to healing, using a bio-psychosocial, spiritual approach that promotes self-efficacy, empowerment and self-healing. MTY assessments cover many aspects of the entire being to provide a holistic form of rehabilitation for unique individual needs.

The BW health team strives to provide the highest level of care to their clients with treatment in respect to the individual body, mind and spirit.


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